Below is a list of other questions we have been asked by parents but if you still can't find your answer contact us on 01793 332425.
What age do you take children in nursery?
From the age of 2.
What are the nursery hours?
We are a term time nursery. We open at 8.30am and close at 3.20pm. Sessions sit within these times.
Can my child have a taster session before starting?
We do stay and plays for you and your child to come along too. We then also offer a stay and play for your child before their start date.
What will my child be given to eat and drink?
You provide a water bottle with fresh water in daily. We provide a healthy snack at school and encourage the children to independently pour their own water or milk. Our snack consists of fruit, crackers, cheese, yoghurts, breadsticks etc.. We accommodate for all dietary needs within nursery.
What happens if my child take ill at nursery?
We will contact you straight away. If your child gets ill before coming to nursery then please call 01793 332425 to notify them and seek more guidance.
Will my child be playing outside?
Yes we go out in all weathers. Your child will need a pair of wellington boots that stay in nursery and appropriate clothing for the weather.
How much will it cost to attend the nursery?
A session is £16.50 but please refer to our funding pages as there are different funding options available. Also call 01793 332425 with any questions.
If my child has 30 hour funding what happens at lunchtime?
Your child will bring in a packed lunch and there will be an additional charge of £2 for an experienced Early Years Practitioner to cover the lunchtime session.
Will you accept my child if he/she has additional needs?
Absolutely, every child is valued at Ferndale. We are inclusive and we will ensure extra meetings to understand your child's needs are met before they enter our nursery.
My child doesn't speak English can they still come to your nursery?
Absolutely, we promote diversity and support and encourage all children to come to Ferndale.
My child is wearing a nappy, is this OK?
We take children in nappies. We all work together to support you and the child to develop the new skills of independent toilet training.