Attainment and progress

Key Stage2 data 2023

Children at Ferndale have higher attainment than the national average in all areas: reading, writing, maths, GPS and combined. At age expected level, children at Ferndale have significantly higher attainment than national average in reading, maths, GPS and combined. At greater depth level, children at Ferndale have significantly higher attainment than national average in writing, maths and combined. In year 4, the percentage of children attaining 100% on the times table check is significantly above national average.

Please click on the link to the school and college performance tables.  

Progress Scores 2022/23




Key Stage 1 data 2023

In the end of key stage 1 assessments, Children at Ferndale have higher attainment than the national average in all areas: reading, writing and maths. At age expected level, children at Ferndale have significantly higher attainment than national average in reading and writing. At greater depth level, children at Ferndale have significantly higher attainment than national average in writing. In Foundation stage, children at Ferndale have higher attainment than national average for good level of development. In the year 1 and 2 phonics screener, children at Ferndale have higher attainment than national average.